Foundation of the Feminine Course

The Space.

Women once came together through powerful ceremonies to cultivate connection and to support one another on their unique paths.

They gathered to strengthen and embolden their innate wisdom. They replenished their soulful giving-wells. Together they shared their visions, strategized, and supported each other on their unique paths.

This is a sacred space we’ve lost touch with.
This is the space we are hungry for as we battle inner fatigue, burning on fumes of compassion as we’ve over given and forgotten how to receive. We’v adopted unhealthy masculine energy, striving to do more when our souls yearn for rest.

We need each other. And, the world needs us. 

Foundations of the Feminine Course


  • Curious about stepping more boldly into authentic feminine leadership? Meaning, leading your life from a relational perspective steeped in empathy, empowered softness, creativity, aliveness and personal alignment?

  • Longing to be with others who are as committed to their growth as much as you are? 

  • Craving space that nourishes your connection to Spirit and connects you to meaningful ritual? 

  • Pulled to be of service and have impact in this world, your community, and your family?

  • Growing a confidence to create a life that is aligned with who you are vs who you’ve been told to be?

What You Get:

  • 10 LIVE sessions that will guide you in embodying the heart of the feminine so we can show up aligned in softness, creativity, aliveness, and joy

  • a rich resource library filled with exercises, meditations, videos taking topics deeper, and more

  • a WhatsApp private group to connect with the other women in the course

  • strong authentic community with diverse women who share a desire to expand their souls + consciousness to have deeper impact in their lives

  • depth work to turn towards the shadows that keep you out of alignment so you can walk more boldly

  • space to overcome feeling stuck & moving through fears

  • invitation to in-person experiences that are exclusive to women who attend the Foundations of the Feminine Course

  • more! so much more! this is a dynamic experience we will co-create together

What We Provide:

  • sessions that feel alive and breakthrough resistance to growth

  • a powerhouse of complimentary skills and experiences

  • ceremony and rituals in our live sessions that you can bring into your own life

  • rich practices to deepen your relationship to your own self and others

  • supplemental resources

  • UPGRADE to meet one on one with both Allie + Jessica once each month through in-depth coaching.


January - March 2023
Live meetings on Wednesdays! See time and schedule below.

TIME (two offerings!)

930am - 11am MST
6-730pm MST

Dates for the 10 virtually-live sessions:
January 11, 18, 25 (one week pause)
Feb: 8, 15, 22 (one week pause)
March: 8 + 15 (two week pause)
April: 5 + 12

*please protect the time to attend these sessions. this ensures our the connection of the community and provides the best outcomes when we are committed to showing up.

we will limit the size of each group to
12 committed women,
to keep the space intentional + aligned


Money is a way we exchange energy in our current world and we honor this for our own work while believing that cost should NOT be a barrier when holding soulful space.

Once accepted into the space, we will leave it to YOU to choose what feels energetically aligned.

Suggested Contribution Levels:

  • Abundant Contribution: $1250

    If you move through the world with financial ease and the means to fulfill many of your wants as well as your needs – you are able to eat out when you want, abundantly meet your needs through employment or can comfortably not work, have access to family wealth, own property, etc. – consider paying at this level, which will help us ensure the long term sustainability of our programs while keeping our offerings accessible to those with access to fewer resources.

  • Sustainable Contribution: $1000

    If you are able to meet your needs with relative ease while budgeting your educational and entertainment spending – for instance, you are able to take classes and eat out occasionally as long as you are mindful – consider paying at this level, which will help sustain our programs and the energy we invest.

  • Supported Contribution: $750

    If you struggle to fund your basic needs and have limited access to resources in your family and community, or if you would not be able to access this offering without a discounted payment option, consider paying at this level. We value your presence and contributions to our community and do not want any economic circumstances to be a barrier to attendance!

  • Addition of Individualized Coaching: $1000

    When you decide to level up, so do we! You will meet with us 2x each month for a total of 8 personalized in-depth sessions to take you deeper into the work. This cost is already reduced from our normal hourly sessions.

Complete this form below to let us know you’re interested!
We’ll get in touch to talk more + ensure we’re all a great fit.

xo, jess + allie

About Us

I am a body & energy worker turned life coach who loves helping people embody and live from the truest expression of who they are.

Feeling that soulful call to more deeply align, Allie left 10+ years in the sustainable, adventure travel industry for her own walk-about. She describes her journey in following way:

I got very quiet. I read. I worked on a farm. I wonder wandered. I went to yoga & meditation retreats. I was invited to work with plant medicines. I gave myself the space to not know. I got comfortable there. I became a massage therapist. I learned Reiki. I bought a camper. I lived in there. I studied transformational coaching and facilitation for 2 years. I met an incredible community of women. The areas of my life that used to deplete me have become wellsprings of life & creative energy. I would not be here without the communities of support along the way.

Learn more about Allie here:

Meet Allie Savage

My walk in this life appears to consistently funnel down to the Heart. My greatest hope is to help guide you back into your own heart so you can more deeply connect with the hearts of others and to the heart of this beautiful Earth, our Great Mother.

And of course, my own heartfelt journey has been and continues to be my greatest teacher. I have rumbled in the darkest of dark corners, peeled myself off the floor to take just one more step forward, shed enough tears to fill rivers, and sat in the painful loneliness of being so disconnected from my Self.

I am very much still on that path of expansion, always will be. And similar to Allie, a few years ago, I felt the enormous pull of Spirit to completely overhaul my life. I fell in love with a bright cherry red van and I ventured out into a vast unknown. In this journey, I came alive again. I rediscovered my beautiful soul and felt the depths of joy re-emerge. I’m learning this is one of my medicines for this world: to bring playful laughter, joyful humor, and ease into what too often is described as hard and arduous.
This, being our healing.

I am honored to be called to serve in this way.

Meet Jessica Waclawski